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Ankle sprains are among one of the most common injuries to the lower extremity of the body. They
are common in all populations, ranging from the general population to the sporting athlete

Basic anatomy of a sprained ankle
A sprain is defined as injury to the ligament. The most common ankle sprains involve the lateral
ligaments of the ankle (the outside of the ankle). There are also medial ligaments of the ankle (inside
of the ankle) but these injuries are much less common than lateral ankle sprains. In addition to the
major medial and lateral ankle ligaments, sometimes some of the smaller ligaments in the foot and
ankle can also be sprained.

Ligament sprains can be classified by grades ranging from 1-3
Grade 1 sprains are the most minor and typically only involve some stretching or minor damage to
the ligament fibres.
Grade 2 sprains occur when the ligament is partially torn.
Grade 3 is the most serious and involves a complete tear of the ligament.

Physiotherapy assessment of the ankle
Based on the mechanism of injury, clinical signs and symptoms, your physiotherapist will be able to
determine the following:

Preventing future ankle instability

The dreaded unstable ankle is a common problem that occurs following a lateral ankle ligament sprain. Unstable ankles are much more susceptible to being sprained again in the future. Sufficient and targeted rehab is essential for preventing this problem

Physiotherapy management options for a sprained ankle

If you have recently sprained an ankle or would like some guidance with rehabilitation and injury
prevention, book an appointment now to get your injury checked out.

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