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Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains are among one of the most common injuries to the lower extremity of the body. Theyare common in all populations, ranging from the general population to the sporting athlete Basic anatomy of a sprained ankleA sprain is defined as injury to the ligament. The most common ankle sprains involve the lateralligaments of the […]

Rehabilitation after Total Knee Replacements (TKR) and Total Hip Replacements (THR)

Total knee and hip replacements are two of the most common surgeries performed in the world. They are used to relieve pain and improve function in people with severe arthritis of the knee or hip. The rehabilitation process after a total knee replacement (TKR) or total hip replacement (THR) is essential for a successful outcome. […]

What is hydrotherapy and can it help me?

Hydrotherapy, also known as aquatic physiotherapy, is a physiotherapy treatment that uses water to help people recover from injuries or improve their overall health and fitness. It is a safe and effective way to exercise, especially for people who have difficulty exercising on land due to pain or limited mobility. How does hydrotherapy work? The […]