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The squat is a compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups in the lower body and core. It is one of the most effective exercises for building strength, power and muscle mass.

There is a common misconception that squatting deep can be dangerous for your knees. However, research has shown that deep squatting is safe for most people and can actually have a number of benefits, including:

Of course, it is important to squat with proper form to avoid injury. Here are a few tips:

If you are new to squatting or have a history of knee pain, it is a good idea to start with partial squats and gradually increase the depth as you get stronger and more comfortable. An example of this is to do a box squat and gradually reduce the depth of the box. You may also want to consider working with a qualified physiotherapist to learn proper squat form.

When is it not OK to squat deep?

There are a few cases where squatting deep may not be appropriate, such as if you have:

If you are unsure whether it is safe for you to squat deep, talk to your physiotherapist.


Deep squatting is a safe and effective exercise for most people. It can help to improve muscle strength, joint health and athletic performance. However, it is important to squat with proper form to avoid injury. If you are new to squatting or have a history of knee pain, start with partial squats and gradually increase the depth as you get stronger and more comfortable.

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