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Category 1: Exercises for Immediate Pain Relief

For many people with acute flare-ups of low back pain, specific targeted exercises can be useful in providing short term immediate pain relief. These exercises are ideally performed daily and several times a day. Not all exercises suit every person – the right exercise for the right person is one where immediate improvements in pain can be noticed.

Option 1: Repeated Movements

Repeated spinal movements in the most comfortable direction can quickly reduce pain for some individuals.

Option 2: Isometric Exercises

Isometric exercises are also known as static exercises – exercises where your muscles are working, but your body is not moving. Common examples include planks, side planks, isometric bridges and isometric back extensions.

Option 3: Glute Exercises

Like the aforementioned options, glute exercises can be equally effective for short term pain relief. Common examples include bridges, single leg bridges, lying clam shells, bird-dogs and side-lying hip abductions.

Option 4: Any Other Low Back Stretching or Mobility Exercises

Category 2: Aerobic and General Exercises
General exercises can be equally as effective at improving low back pain in the longer term. Options should be chosen based on physical activity preferences and functional impairments. The goal with these exercises is to gradually progress duration as a person’s tolerance to an activity increases.

Category 3: Strengthening Exercises
Strengthening exercises are one of the best ways to improve your back’s ability to tolerate high physical demands. They are especially important for people with low back pain who wish to safely return to physically demanding hobbies, sport, work and/or activities. Strengthening exercises should be performed 2-3 times a week and progressively increase in difficulty as a person’s tolerance increases.

Option 1 (Gentle Entry Level Variations):

Option 2 (Beginner to Advanced Variations):

If you need help with low back pain and would like to know what exercises would be best suited to your needs, click the Book Appointment link on our page!

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