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5 Tips and Tricks for Managing Shoulder Pain in Gym Goers

Shoulder injuries are amongst some of the most common injuries that gym goers suffer. For mild shoulder injuries here are some tips and tricks that can be implemented to help your shoulder feel and get better. Tip 1: Load ManagementMany gym-related shoulder injuries are usually a result of improper load management or increasing loads too […]

Upper limb pain in the lifter: A physiotherapy perspective

Upper limb pain is a common problem among lifters of all levels of experience. It can occur in any of the joints of the upper limb, including the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand. There are a number of factors that can contribute to upper limb pain in lifters, including: Common upper limb injuries in lifters […]

Trigger Point Therapy: What It Is and How It Works

Trigger point therapy is a type of massage therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points in muscles that are tender and tight. These points are called trigger points and they can cause pain and referred pain (pain that is felt in a different area of the body). Trigger points are thought to be caused […]

Rotator cuff injuries

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint. These muscles help to stabilize the shoulder joint and allow for overhead or shoulder elevation movements. Rotator cuff injuries are common in athletes and people who engage in overhead activities, such as swimming, tennis and baseball. They can also […]

How To Treat Bursitis

What is bursitis? Bursitis is a condition that occurs when a bursa, a small, fluid-filled sac that cushions joints and tendons, becomes inflamed. Bursae are located around joints throughout the body, including the shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, and heels. When a bursa becomes inflamed, it can cause pain, swelling, and redness in the affected area. […]