ACL Tears: Non-Surgical vs Surgical Management

The management pathway following a rupture of the ACL is a shared decision-making processbetween the patient and healthcare providers. Patients should be properly informed of the risks andbenefits of each treatment option. Here are the main management options: The following summarises the risks and benefits of surgical management and non-surgicalmanagement for isolated ACL ruptures: Benefits […]
Rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a ligament in the knee that helps to stabilize the joint. An ACL tear is a common injury, especially in athletes. ACL reconstruction is surgery to repair a torn ACL. The surgery involves replacing the torn ligament with a graft, which can be taken from a donor or from […]
Rehabilitation after Total Knee Replacements (TKR) and Total Hip Replacements (THR)

Total knee and hip replacements are two of the most common surgeries performed in the world. They are used to relieve pain and improve function in people with severe arthritis of the knee or hip. The rehabilitation process after a total knee replacement (TKR) or total hip replacement (THR) is essential for a successful outcome. […]