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5 Tips and Tricks for Managing Shoulder Pain in Gym Goers

Shoulder injuries are amongst some of the most common injuries that gym goers suffer. For mild shoulder injuries here are some tips and tricks that can be implemented to help your shoulder feel and get better. Tip 1: Load ManagementMany gym-related shoulder injuries are usually a result of improper load management or increasing loads too […]

Elbow pain when squatting

Squatting is a great exercise for building strength and power, but it can also put stress on the elbows, especially if you are using a ‘low-bar’ position where the barbell is sitting on the shelf of the rear deltoid muscles. If you are experiencing elbow pain when squatting, here are a few things you can […]

How much weight should I lift when I strength train?

When you’re strength training, you’re trying to challenge your muscles to grow stronger. The amount of weight you lift will depend on your individual strength and fitness level. Here’s a general guideline for how much weight you should lift: It’s important to lift weights that are challenging but not too heavy. If you can lift […]