5 Tips and Tricks for Managing Shoulder Pain in Gym Goers

Shoulder injuries are amongst some of the most common injuries that gym goers suffer. For mild shoulder injuries here are some tips and tricks that can be implemented to help your shoulder feel and get better. Tip 1: Load ManagementMany gym-related shoulder injuries are usually a result of improper load management or increasing loads too […]
Iliotibial Band Pain (ITB pain) Rehabilitation

What is ITB pain: ITB pain, frequently referred to as ITB syndrome, is one of the conditions that causes lateral kneepain (pain on the outside of the knee). It typically presents as sharp or hot pain at, or very close to abump of bone known as the lateral epicondyle of the femur. Iliotibial band function […]
Load Management in Your Rehabilitation

Load management is one of the key principles used in physiotherapy whenrehabilitating painful conditions. It is the art of identifying the ‘ideal’ workload for yourcurrent capacity and progressing appropriately and safely. In short, it is making surethat you’re not doing too much too soon or not doing enough. Why is load management important? If you […]