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What is Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)?

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is one cause of hip pain. As the name suggests, it isimpingement between where the femur (thigh bone) and acetabulum (hip socket) meet. Thisimpingement occurs due to ‘deformities’ or structural changes to the head of the femur and/oracetabulum, which may be due to genetics or joint adaptations to high levels of athletic […]

The Importance of a Detailed Assessment in Physiotherapy

A detailed assessment is essential for any physiotherapy treatment plan. It allows the physiotherapist to: The assessment process typically begins with a thorough history taking. The physiotherapist will ask the patient about their pain, its location, onset, duration and severity. They will also ask about the patient’s activities, work and hobbies. This information helps the […]