Peroneal Tendinopathy

What is it and what are the symptoms? The peroneal tendons (peroneus longus and peroneus brevis) are located on the outside of the foot and have an important role in stabilising the foot. Peroneal tendinopathy is a condition where one or both peroneal tendons become irritated and inflamed. It occurs from overuse, repetitive stress or […]
Iliotibial Band Pain (ITB pain) Rehabilitation

What is ITB pain: ITB pain, frequently referred to as ITB syndrome, is one of the conditions that causes lateral kneepain (pain on the outside of the knee). It typically presents as sharp or hot pain at, or very close to abump of bone known as the lateral epicondyle of the femur. Iliotibial band function […]
Groin Strains: Treatment and Recovery

A groin strain is an injury to one of the muscles in the groin area. The groin muscles are responsible for pulling the legs together and rotating the thigh. Groin strains can occur in athletes who play sports that involve a lot of running, jumping and kicking, such as soccer, football and basketball. They can […]